Meet Remy, who has been volunteering at the Cairns & District Senior Citizens Centre for the last two months.

Remy is a community nurse and has a busy full-time job in Melbourne helping to run a family business called At Your Service Home Care. The business has since expanded to Cairns, so she travels up here regularly. Despite her busy workload, Remy finds time both in Melbourne and here in Cairns to volunteer whenever she gets the chance.
Remy started volunteering in Melbourne after COVID because she wanted to reconnect with the community as well as provide meaningful help for those who need it. When the business expanded to Cairns, she saw volunteering as a great way to connect with the local community.
At the Centre, Remy generally helps out with the inventories and the cleaning to keep the Centre running smoothly. She also volunteers to pick Seniors up in her own car to either bring them to the Centre or take them to medical appointments etc.
When I met Remy, she was not only on the desk for a very busy Line Dancing class but getting the Centre ready for a visit by Channel 7 as well as encouraging everyone to sign a petition so that the Centre can have a designated bus stop to make access for Seniors without a car easier.
Remy enjoys giving back to the community, helping others and contributing to a busy worthwhile organisation which provides many opportunities to enrich the lives of our Seniors.
If you’d like to find your perfect volunteer role, the referrals team at FNQ Volunteers Inc. can help. Give us a call on 07 40417400 or visit